MBA: “NEW YORK BREWERS AID SCRAP DRIVE—Those members of the Industrial Salvage Committee of the Brewing Industry held the first meeting… Members of the brewers group shown here are, left to right: John Heinz, Eichler Brewery; William Piel, Piel Brothers; Pierre Barbey, War production Board; F. M. E. Schaefer, The F & M Schaefer Brewing Company, Chairman of the Committee; Joseph Jones, Brewer’s Board of Trade and P. H. Shaffer, George Ruppert Brewery…

MBA: “PIEL HEADS NEW YORK BREWERS GROUP: William Piel, President of Piel Bros., Brooklyn, New York was elected President ofthe Brewer’s Board of Trade at the board’s annual meeting last month… Pictured at the presentation are (left to right) Julius Liebman, William J. Ludovici, Carl W. Badenhausen, John E. Heintz, George E. Ruppert, Bruce Berckmans, William Piel, Walter J. Doerschuck, Joseph D. Jones, and Gerald A. Walsh.”

MBA: “PIEL COMPLETES EXPANSION PROGRAM—According to Modern Brewery Age of July 1948, “a large scale expansion program designed to meet a ‘more than doubled consumer demand,’ has been completed by Piel Brothers., it was announced last month by William Piel, Chairman of the Board.The new facilities, a seven-story building of steel and brick construction, adjoins the Piel plant which has been located at 315 Liberty Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1883.Plans for the building are such that an additional three way expansion can be easily accomplished in the event that the new space becomes inadequate.Pictured above at left is the exterior of the new structure.At the right are shown Henry J. Muessen, vice-president and General Manager; Ralph Sherwood, vice-president; William Piel; and Fred Riedel, master brewer (in foreground) watching the first beer being pumped into the storage tanks in the new structure.” |