Michael & Maria Piel family, Brooklyn, summer 1900. (Top, L-R): William, Michael, Henry; (bottom, L-R): Rudolf, Louisa, Maria, Otto, Paul; (front, L-R): Oswald, Agnes. [MLPK: This is probably Lefferts Place, Brooklyn where Oswald was born and the family had a grape arbor in the garden. NB: Oswald as born, April 1900 and looks about 3-6 months old in this photo.]

Party on occasion of visit of Sophie Piel (sister of Hubert Michael Piel, from Dusseldorf), at Beer Stube, Piel Bros. Brewery, East New York, Brooklyn. (Seated: L to R) Gottfried Piel, Sr., Sophie Piel (from Dusseldorf). Maria Heermann Piel, unid. woman, unid. woman, unid. woman, Margarita S. Piel, unid. man. (Standing, L to R) unid. man, unid. man, Rudolf A. Piel, Gerard Piel, Henry Piel, unid. man, unid. man, unid, man. 1929.

Sitting room, home of Michael and Maria Piel, 245 W. 72nd Street, New York, ca. 1909. (photo by: H. Shobbrook Collins, Photographer, Telephone 5159 Chelsea, 134 W. 23rd St., New York.) [Gerard Piel: marble sculptures (foreground and rear) are now at his penthouse apartment, 1115 Fifth Ave., NY, NY; when Piels’ Brewery was sold in 1962, Gerard removed them from the storeroom.]